Emergency Care
Don’t worry - orthodontic emergencies are rare. But, they aren’t impossible. In the very unlikely event that you experience an orthodontic emergency, you can reach out to us. Call us right away if you are experiencing severe pain that you cannot seem to solve on your own with the over-the-counter painkillers or wax that we have provided you. We’ll be able to figure out the best solution, whether it is guiding you to alleviate your discomfort or scheduling an orthodontic urgent care appointment for you in our New Hyde Park office so that we can resolve the issue for you.
Our goal is for you to have peace of mind throughout your treatment. You are never alone in your orthodontic care. We are here for you - always.
How do I know if it’s an emergency? What should I do?
Here are some typical orthodontic emergencies and some things you can immediately do to help:
Severe Pain or Discomfort: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water, then apply analgesic or over-the-counter pain relief to temporarily alleviate your pain. If this doesn’t help, contact us.
Poking Wire: Use the soft orthodontic wax we’ve supplied you and apply it to the poking wire. If this persists, contact us to schedule an appointment to fix it. In the meantime, use a pencil eraser and gently push the wire against the tooth.
Loose Bracket or loose band: Use the soft orthodontic wax and cover the bracket or band so it does not get irritated. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment for repair and, in the meantime, avoid sticky foods.
Lost Separator: Don’t worry. This may feel urgent, but we generally do not need to address this right away. Get in touch with us and we’ll let you know what your next steps are.
Trauma to Mouth or Teeth: If it is a severe injury, go to your nearest emergency room. Otherwise, rinse your mouth immediately with warm salt water. Then, apply ice or a cold compress to reduce the swelling. Reach out to us and we will work with you on the best next steps.
In general, avoid repairing anything on your own because it might cause further damage, and regularly check on your appliances to make sure nothing is wrong.
Don’t forget: Keep our New Hyde Park office’s contact information saved on your phone so that you have it handy if you need to call, text, or e-mail us when orthodontic emergencies do happen.